At age three, my mother arranged a holiday cottage in Drenthe. For her, vacations were a natural part of life. Packed in my grandpa's old Volkswagen van, the whole family and grandpa arrived late in the day and decided to take a stroll. And then, it happened: we spotted an adder. My mother's joy was palpable. That brief encounter with the snake is a memory I still hold dear. I'm transported back to that moment. I feel it as something of me; I identify with this natural experience whenever I hear the word adder. The details may be hazy, but the fact that I saw it is extraordinary for a three-year-old.
As the youngest, I couldn't ride a bike, so I sat on my mother's rented bicycle. With no footrests, I had to tuck my legs in the saddlebags, which I detested. The bags, made of old, brown canvas, emitted a musty odour. And as my mother had feared, my foot got caught in the spokes. I don't recall the severity, but it led to my first ankle bandage. This was the beginning of a familiar ritual. My ankles were often sprained, and my mother lovingly wrapped them up. The bandage would neatly cross over the instep, secured with a safety pin or a particular bandage clip. It was a comforting routine; eventually, I could do it myself. I might have Nature’s Memories: Childhood Reflections Shaping Art when I wrapped this wood panel (see above).
My mother's reaction caught me off guard one day when my ankle was swollen and painful again. Instead of comforting words, she snapped, 'Why didn't you pay attention!' It felt unfair and left me bewildered. It was only much later that I realized her anger was probably born out of worry.
Years later, I still notice that my ankles are weak while the rest of my body is flexible and robust. There may be a deeper meaning behind these vulnerable ankles. What could they symbolize, psychologically speaking? I wonder if I might find something about myself reflected in them. Body and mind are inseparably connected; that, I genuinely believe. Maybe that's why dogs resemble their owners — because they mirror the same emotions. As my vet always says, pets are emotional sponges.
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